
Ben Vane

Tinsel, curling and Nobgoblins
Sunday 30th December

Our walk was to be an easy one - starting from the busy carpark at Inveruglas. The park information centre/teashop gave a surprisingly good coffee and it was around 11.00 before we set off.

The kissing gate at the Coiregrogain road end was a tight fit for some, too much Christmas Pud perhaps? 
The main gate has a profusion of padlocks, now which key fits ....... 
It's not a particularly attractive walk in, as the Hydro pylons and station tend to dominate the view.

Ben Vane is a fine wee mountain, quite craggy in places. The path up is quite steep in places. Previous ascents have been through the tunnel at the Loch Sloy dam and then exploring the trackless craggy slopes above the loch.

It was really mild and the path was squidgy underfoot so it was rather a surprise to be told by descending walkers that we would need crampons for the summit slopes. 

The Moray Club were very well prepared and we had our winter gear, unfortunately it was in the cars at Inveruglas! Undaunted, we wandered up the track at a leisurely pace. Graham had some cracking stories to tell - as usual, none of them true!
Frequent stops gave ample photo opportunities, shame the cloud lowered at the same rate we ascended.
Just 40m short of the summit Roni, Dee and Graham turned back as the path and crags were coated with verglas.

David had his crampons, Andy and Bill having to take great care, as it was very slippy underfoot, The summit is a flat little plateau, almost a curling rink in today's 'mild' conditions!


Ahhh, you'll need to ask Dee about that one....

Andy, Graham, David Dee & Roni

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