
Meall Greigh - Loch Tay - January 2012

Pick of the Month

Meall Greigh 
Loch Tay

'waiting for the view'
...the view never materialised
Picture taken by Roni.
Forecast sunshine didn't materialise.
The summit was a cold place for lunch.


Isabel said...

A Dinner on the Carrick?
Hi,Was discussing when the Carrick 'sank' on the Clyde
and remembered being at a Moray Club event (annual dinner?)
in the 80's - there doesn't seem to be a record of
it being an annual dinner - does anyone remember what the event was?
Many thanks

Bill said...

Hello Isabel
Good to hear from you again.
Your memory is good…the club did have a special dinner on the Carrick (now known as the City of Adelaide) in 1986.
Looking back through Journal 11 there is no specific reference to the occasion.
It was our 21st birthday dinner and there are a few pictures of the cake and club members ‘below deck’ - it will take a bit of digging in the slide boxes to find them! Bruce Reynolds organised this event through one of his neighbours who was an RNVR member – the Carrick was their clubhouse.
We did have a ‘normal’ annual dinner in December that year, in the Bridge of Orchy, using the Ski Lodge as our base, which explains why there is no reference to ‘The Carrick’ on the dinner page.
We’ll put one there, it makes the record more complete.
Be delighted to see you and family out on a trip sometime.
Don’t forget about the dinner, it’s usually November…..