
Speyside Way

Ramble on.....
15th February
We took time out to capture an unusual group photo.
From the balcony on the first floor looking down to the entrance hallway.
 Dropping things below not permitted!
With the plateau still out of bounds due to closed roads and incredibly deep snow, we took another easy option.
 Yes, it was to be a low level walk again.
This was frustrating!

We explored part of the Speyside Way and it reads like a gantry in a bar!
Tormore, Craggenmore, Knockando and Cardhu all within minutes of today's stroll.

Our start point was Craggenmore and we followed the old railway line to Blacksboat.
 Our route today was shorter than the walk to Ryvoan.
It didn't seem so as we ploutered along
Many trees had suffered under the weight of snow.
Despite walking through deep snow we set a stiff pace.
Stopping for a photograph meant you had to run to catch up!
We turned back at Blacksboat and took to the minor road as it was easier underfoot.
The old railway bridge over the Spey was decidedly slippy!
Not often we are beaten from the tops by too much snow.
A classic weekend all the same. 

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