
Stonehaven to Montrose NCN1

The flat middle bit
Saturday 2nd June

Our journey south is an off-road cyclists treat.
The short section between Inverbervie and Gourdon follows the
line of the disused railway - flat and traffic free.

If you haven't been to Gourdon - imagine any village scene from the 1983 Bill Forsyth film 'Local Hero' - through half-closed eyes Ferness could really exist.....

We didn't have time to slow down and absorb the atmosphere 
(but did look greedily at Hornblowers chip shop by the harbour)

We left the village initially on a superb track
However the coastal path is rough in places
No complaints from us - fabulous to be off road and beside the sea
OK, we all agreed it's a bit bumpy in places......
Rape fields are so YELLOW - intensely so on a bright day
Roni checking out future accommodation for us Moray Clubbers
We entered Johnshaven,
a village in which fishing remains the focus of life.
The School of Lathallan sits on the village outskirts.
Suspect the headie would have a few choice nicknames in Glasgow!
At this point we headed uphill, out of Johnshaven, swinging away 
from the coast and taking to quiet rolling farmland roads again -
Anne 'yellow jersey' leading the way.
Our detour was suggested by Bill as he didn't fancy 
the A92 down to St  Cyrus....far too busy
More bright yellow field crops of rape seed.
To some the fields smell sensational - a sort of dense, honeyed, mustardy, oily, deeply musky scent. Others find it disgusting!
In the absence of a picnic site and table, 
Isabel found her own comfy spot for 2nd (or 3rd) lunch
Only another 16 miles to go.....

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